Sunday, October 6, 2013

31 Days of Spontaneous Organizing - Day #6: Closet Shelves

Today is Day #6 of 31 days of spontaneous organizing! Your mini-challenge for today is a shelf {or two} in your closet! You can do one shelf that is just bugging you or, if you have time, you can do more. It's about doing a little bit at a time.

So, like the days before, I'm going to give you some tips and tricks to help you organize a shelf in your closet. First off, you need to go quickly through everything. If you have a sweater or purse you really don't use, donate it. If it's ripped or stained, toss it. You could put in a pile to fix, but if it's been that way awhile be realistic and get rid of it. The point of this is to get you to get rid of items that you don't need in a short amount of time. 

Organizing Made Fun

If you have purses, here is a great idea that I use. I have inexpensive cardboard boxes {from Ikea} that I cut down to fit in the shelves. I have all my purses stored inside. Go HERE to see more. You can also simply just line them up, like below, or set up on a shelf. 


Or, if you have sweaters that you fold and keep on your shelves, try putting them in some sort of color order or by sleeve length. Do what makes sense to YOU! It's your closet!


If you have something to divide them in or dividers, that will help them from falling over, but if you are doing something quickly and want to achieve neatness, this will work will. Think about a future purchase of a shelf divider like this.

Last, if you keep miscellaneous things on your shelves, here is the last idea - use boxes that will hold miscellaneous things, set things up neatly or make a pretty area to get ready. 


More helpful posts for your closet shelves: 

Organized purses with furniture
Organize on the back of the door - Purses
How I Organize My Master Closet10 Ways to have a Grown Up Closet
Bedroom Closet Clean Up: Simple Tricks to fit more in your closet

Now get to it! Get that closet shelf organized! Remember to:

A. Follow me on Pinterest {HERE} and/or
B. Follow me on Instagram {HERE}
C. Load your photo on either Pinterest or Instagram and TAG me {BeckyB_OMF or OrganizeMadeFun go HERE to learn how to tag on Pinterest} and use hashtag #SpontaneousOrganizing--If you upload to Pinterest, please either leave the URL link here in the comments for me to visit OR let me know your Pinterest "@" name and I'll follow your board to see it. 
D. Before and after pictures ARE preferred but not necessary - cause sometimes you start and are so excited you forget to take a "before" picture, right?

**Update: There is trouble with tagging me on Pinterest {because it doesn't notify me}, so instead please do the URL copy and post in the comments and I'll be sure to go and look at it. Thank you for understanding**

Feel free to leave a comment if you're doing today's challenge! Can't wait to hear how things are going and see some of your pictures!

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**I have a few affiliate links in this post - this does not mean you pay a dime more for the product when you purchase through my link. It just means I made it easier for you to find what you might like, so I make a few cents if you purchase. I SO SO SO appreciate when you support Organizing Made Fun. Thank you!!** 

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